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Co-Sleeping 101

Co-Sleeping 101



In this 19-page e-book, Allison walks you through everything you need to know about co-sleeping. This includes safety, legitimate reasons to make the transition, and HOW to do so when you decide that time has come. Topics addressed include timing, preparation, building comfort through play, habit stacking, and holding boundaries. Special circumstances such as strong-willed children, adopted children, and those with anxiety.


This guide is for you if...

1. You want to co-sleep with your child, but also want to have a strategy in your back pocket for the transition when it's time.

2. You and your partner are no longer both supportive of this practice and need to prioritize your marriage.

3. Co-sleeping became a thing in your family by accident or out of desperation.

4. You feel at your wit's end and stuck. 

5. Sleep quality has deterioriated for you or your child. 

6. You are looking for a gentle and responsive way to transition your child out of your bed and know crying it out isn't for you. 


An excerpt:

"Hey, friend. I’m so glad you’re here. If you're reading this, I’d be willing to bet you’re either conflicted about co-sleeping, ready to move on, or want to learn how to do it safely.


First and foremost, I want you to know that no matter if you set out to co-sleep from the beginning or it became a thing for your family later on, there is no need to feel guilty when the day comes that it is no longer a sustainable practice. Your child can do this, and they will be just fine - truly! And also, please know that if you’re loving it and everyone is happy and rested, there’s no need to stop. I promise your child won’t still be in your bed in high school, despite what crazy Aunt Kathy’s bunco friend says. Let’s dive in!"

    $59.00 Regular Price
    $29.50Sale Price

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    ©2021 by Dwell Pediatric Sleep.
    Dwell Pediatric Sleep does not offer medical advice, services, or treatments to its clients. If you are concerned about a medical issue related to your child, we urge you to contact your pediatrician immediately.

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